Phos (Light) Devotional

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Thomas Merton

Right away we confront one of the problems of the life of prayer: that of learning when one’s efforts are enlightened and well directed and when they spring simply from our confused whims and our immature desires. It would be a mistake to suppose that mere good will is, by itself, a sufficient guarantee that all our efforts will finally attain to a good result. Serious mistakes can be made even with the greatest good will.

How true it is. Prayer can be spouted off so recklessly and piously. Often, my will becomes the focus of prayer, and the Lord’s leading in that prayer is hindered by my motivation of self gain. The difficulty is when I desire something that seems somewhat admirable – something I would consider worthy of the Lord’s answering. The truth about prayer is very simple. If it is not the Lord’s will, He is not going to answer us anyway. The key to answered prayer is to pray according to His will. This helps us to avoid the heartache of misguided prayers.

Scripture Lessons

1 John 3:22; 1 John 5:14; 1 John 5:15

How can you better determine if your prayers are God led or self led?

Word for Today
Spouted – To gush forth in a rapid stream or in spurts.

Quote for Today

A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder, but rest and guilt live far asunder.
– Ben Franklin


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