Phos (Light) Devotional

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Frank Laubach (1884 – 1970)

Moment by Moment

We used to sing a song in the church in Benton which I liked, but I never really practiced until now. It runs:

“Moment by moment, I’m kept in His love;
Moment by moment I’ve life from above;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine;
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.”

It is exactly that “moment by moment,” every waking moment, surrender, responsiveness, obedience, sensitiveness, pliability, “lost in His love,” that I now have the mind bent to explore with all my might. It means two burning passions: First, to be like Jesus, secondly, to respond to God as a violin responds to the bow of the master. Open your soul and entertain the glory of God and after awhile that glory will be reflected in the world about you and in the very clouds above your head.

The driving force behind all successful Christian living is the mimicking of Christ. He who best does this makes eternal marks in the heavens. Frank’s words are an accurate illustration of how mere mortals reach the acme of human incident. How empty is the life that knows only its own character, that feeds off its own resources, that sees only its own glories and never borrows from the deep wells of others. A foolish life is to waste your time in the mirror admiring your own greatness. Ignoramus is his name; he trots the path of his own plodding without a requisition from our Lord. Be sure your steps are ordered of the Lord!

Scriptural Lesson

Ps. 139; Phil. 3:7 11; 1 John 3:1 3


Does Psalm 139 implore fear when you read it or comfort? If it solicits fear, list the reasons it makes you afraid.

Word for Today

Ignoramus – An ignorant person.

Quote for Today

“Never fully put your trust in man, but never give anyone a reason not to fully trust you.”


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