Phos (Light) Devotional

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Our need for a third awakening is more then apparent. How much farther can we plug into sin? How much farther can we trepan are souls with evil? Can we continue living as strangers in the house of the Lord? Will our righteous Father overlook our rebellion and judge the rebellion of other nations? Who is not guilty among us of some offense against the Almighty? Shall God apply His grace to unbroken hearts? Why do we think grace is free? The gift of grace is bestowed upon the weak not the mighty. His light shines in the darkness not the candlelit rooms of cathedrals. He who knows he is a sinner is better then he who knows no sin (Rom. 13:11; 1 Cor. 15:34; Eph. 5:14).

Out of the 32 times the word “awake” is mentioned in the Old Testament, most every time it is in reference to the Lord. We shall awake when He awakes. We have put the Almighty to sleep. We have bored His Majesty with our solemnities. He has gone weary of our false repentance. Where can He go to find excitement? He moves slowly from north to south, He slides calmly from east to west, seeking someone who will demonstrate faith, longing for a tidbit of reason. Finding none, He returns to His throne bored to oblivion. Could it be it is not the church that needs to awake but the Lord of our love (Ps. 7:6; 35:23; 44:23; 59:4)?

This Great Awakening may be the Lord of Glory rising from His ignoring of salutations? Could He be withholding our petitions until we are ready to receive His effulgence? Some foolish man is praying for revival without knowing the might of His spirit. Everyone has a conjecture involved with their pious babblings concerning hindrances to revival. When He emerges from behind the veil of His glory, He may empty instead of fill. He may tear down instead of build up. He may shatter and not draw. He may break and not move. He could altogether bruise our American egos. Maybe the next awakening will be a rude awakening instead of a great awakening (Isa. 51:9).

Word for Today

Conjecture – Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork.

Quote for Today

I can more easily see our Lord sweeping the streets of London, than issuing edicts from its cathedral.

– Dick Sheppard


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