Phos (Light) Devotional

Monday, April 11, 2005

Matthew 5:11-12

Rejoice in the midst of being persecuted? Who in their right mind could possibly take on that kind of challenge? Only a true child of God could do such a thing. What more can be said of someone with intestinal fortitude, such as Jesus describes here in this passage? How do you handle it when you are being lied about? Do you retreat? Do you retaliate? Do you seek revenge? Or do you rejoice? The healthiest thing to do is to rejoice. The scripture tells us that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine (Proverbs 17:22). The warning found in this proverb is clear. Your spirit can affect your body. The idea is the person who allows himself to be caught up with a bitter spirit will be hindered from moving forward in life.

There are three major lessons Jesus is teaching His disciples in this passage. First, He is teaching them to be strong. It takes a very strong person to handle persecution. It takes an even stronger person to rejoice in persecution. The promise of reward is not enough to make one take the heat of lies being spread about one’s character. It is rather the very state of the person that makes this task possible. The person that can handle this is blessed before the reviling begins. The blessed state of the person being harmed is the source of their strength (Ex. 13:13-14).

Be patient is the next lesson Jesus teaches in this passage. Your reward is in heaven He says. Looking prematurely for your remunerations can be fatal. God may bless us daily with benefits; yet, our carnal minds may be too ignorant to behold them. However, the true blessings of an eternal reward is what Jesus offers here in this text. For this reward you must want it. It cannot be attained by hard praying and eloquent speeches. The only way to receive the martyr’s reward is to wait for your name to be called up yonder (1 Cor. 3:11-23).

The context seems to solicit faith from the person under the guard of mercy. He must believe the words are true. He must see the benefit without seeing the purpose. He must hold onto nothing and believe he is being held up with the everlasting arms. He must put away the umbrella when the rain of trial is pouring down upon his head. There is no shelter from this storm. Yet, all the while he by faith expects the sun to shine again. He must confess that his state is not as he sees it, but rather as he was told it shall be if he endures. Without injury to his course, he must travel the road less traveled for the sake of the Lord’s Name (1 Peter 4:8-14).

Word for Today
Fortuitous - Happening by accident or chance.

Quote for Today
In the arena of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.
- Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), Nicomachen Ethics (4th c. BC)


  • i think u can prove 2 b th right person 2 consult abt my doubts/questions abt Christianity.

    me a hungry person curious to kniow abt everything i come across until my interest dies... yup my interest do drives me

    for now, after reading ur blog
    i hv bcm intersted in teachings of Christianity :)

    Hope to read more of your writings in the future.

    By Blogger parwana, at 4:03 PM  

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