Phos (Light) Devotional

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Matthew 5:4

"Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." What an exciting promise given to us by our Lord in this passage. He is giving hope to all men. We will sooner or later have days when we will cry more than we laugh. Mourning in Christ’s time had become a business for some people. Sometimes people were paid to be mourners. Mourning was also a community effort when someone died.

Notice this example of mourning in Matthew 9:18‑26. The mourners don't seem to be very sincere. They are mourning in verse 23 and in the very next verse they are laughing. This is an example of how foolish people can get at times. This is not what Jesus had in mind. He was speaking of those who are truly mourning. His promise that they would be comforted has lasting dividends.

Jesus would send the Comforter to His people that would abide with us forever. (John 14:16‑17; 25‑26; 15:26;16:7) The fact that Jesus said He would pray to the Father and the Father would send another comforter is saying that He is the first comforter. Jesus is a comforter. If you are broken hearted, disappointed about life or confused about some decision you have recently made, let me encourage you today to let the Lord console your mind and calm your storm. One of the great things about Jesus is that He is acquainted with grief. Isaiah prophesied 700 years before Christ (Isa. 53.3) that Christ would be "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief." He knows the pain you feel. He wants to embrace you right where you are in life. He is here to bring warmth to your cold existence. No one should live their life in pain. If you are extremely broken hearted and feeling dejected from family and friends, Jesus has come to turn your mourning into joy. (Neh. 8:10)

Word for Today
Consolatory ‑ To allay the sorrow or grief of.

Quote for Today
"Grief exalts us and trouble lifts us." - C.H. Spurgeon


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