Phos (Light) Devotional

Friday, March 11, 2005

Psalm 119:13

“With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth.” There are many reasons a person should declare the judgments of the Lord. First and foremost, they are right judgments. Everything that proceeds from the Lord’s mouth is right. (Jer. 17:16) When we fail to declare the Lord’s judgments, men will make their own brutish judgments. When men make judgments, they tend to classify them and rank them in a social manner. This type of critical thinking always leads to oppression of the poor.

Next, we need to declare God’s judgments because they are good for our own ears to hear. We need to hear them daily. They give added strength to the believer. The weak in heart will receive strength as result of hearing the judgments of God. They will help you use diplomacy in your own judgments. (Ps. 112:5; Prov. 1:4; 2:11) Notwithstanding, His judgments are to be declared for the unrighteous man to return from his evil to the Lord. How will men know they are sick in heart if we withhold their balm?

They will retreat to a religion of comfort and ease, something that confirms their better attributes. If men will convert to the faith, they must see their need for conversion. How can they see the light if no one lights a candle? How can they climb out of a ditch when no one sends down a rope? How can they revive from some ill if no one applies a medicine? Men most need to be judged when they think they need not be judged. (2 Chron 1:10‑11)

Be sure not to discriminate in your declaration. All men are equal in sin; therefore, all men are equal in judgment. Don’t judge the poor differently than the rich. Make no difference in the shade of someone’s skin. Rank and authority diminish before the eyes of truth. If you shy away from judgment for love or friendship, for fame or wealth, it is your soul that will wither in abjection. It is your integrity that will evaporate in the heat of your own stewing with God. Declare them all and declare them to all is your sole chance for harmony with the Lord. (Eccles. 12:13‑14)

Word for Today

Discretion ‑ Ability or power to decide responsibly

Quote for Today

The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds.

- Tryon Edwards (1809 ‑ 1894)


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