Phos (Light) Devotional

Friday, March 25, 2005

Matthew 5:6

“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

Why is it that men never want what they need until they have come to the end of their rope? You have heard it said a million times in church, “man has a void in his heart that only the Lord can fill.” Jesus is exactly saying that in this verse. In essence He said, those who will be fulfilled in life will be those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness. In a time when having a good meal was rare, this idea of being hungry or thirsty would have been easy to understand.

In America where we waste enough food in one day to feed most of the hungry third world peoples for a year, it is hard for us to grasp the full concept of deprivation. So let me help you understand by asking you if you have ever fasted and someone in the middle of your fast asked you if you would like something to eat. The feeling you get when you want to eat in the middle of a fast is the best illustration I can think of. Jesus said if you will be filled in this life, you must crave righteousness. To fully understand this grand invitation from the Master, let us quickly define the term righteousness in this passage.

Righteousness is the Greek word, dikaiosume, meaning to have an internal heart of piety toward God and exhibiting a faith acceptable to Him. Basically speaking, it reflects how one feels about the Lord, and hence how his feeling exhibits a faith that is revealing. In this case, what you desire is what you admire. How can you desire more of the Lord’s grace in your life? I’m glad you asked. Here are three basic ways to have a greater desire for the presence of the Lord in your life:

  1. Weigh what you have to what you could have. If you are blessed where you are right now, how much greater will you be blessed if you go further. (Jer. 33:3; Prov. 8:1‑17)
  2. Work on your weakness in the faith. Your weakness can be a hindrance to having a greater desire for the Lord. (Ps. 6:2; Joel 3:10)
  3. Wait for your change to come. If the Lord would make us perfect all at once, that would be evolution. Regeneration is a life-time process. (Job 14:14; Titus 3:5‑6)

Word for Today
Regeneration ‑ Spiritual or moral revival or rebirth.

Quote for Today
If the Lord would make us perfect all at once that would be evolution. Regeneration is a life- time process.

- raj


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