Phos (Light) Devotional

Monday, April 18, 2005

Matthew 5:15

When I read this passage of scripture, I asked myself the question, “How much light do I give to my house?” One of the greatest compliments I ever got in my 23 years of ministry came one morning when I was preparing my clothes to go to work. My wife, Tina, laid a note on the iron that said, “You are a true man of God, and you live what you preach every day.” I used to tell my former congregation we should live so that a camera was recording our every move, action and conversation. Everyone has dark places in their family life. Either we can be content with the darkness, or we can make the necessary adjustments in our conduct to change the darkness to light (Eph. 1:17, 18; Col. 1:13).

Living your testimony is difficult at times, but it is always difficult at home. Your biggest critics come from your own household. Although winning your family may be difficult, it remains the highest blessing for any Christian. The words you speak in your house should exemplify Christlikeness. I will be married for 15 years this coming May 19th and I have never called my wife a name other than Tina. A Christian should never use derogatory statements or condescending words when it comes to family members. Season your correction with love when speaking to your children. Abstain from definitive statements such as, “You never listen to me, or you always mess things up (Eph. 6:1-3)."

It amazes me how people can be so Christian at church and so worldly at home. We often treat church members like saints and family members like ain’ts. How can we forgive our brother for an offense and divorce our spouses? Is it appropriate to give advice on child rearing to others and let your own children be rambunctious? The church you attend is no better than the life you live at home. If your light is shining, “all that are in the house” includes the Lord as well. So how can you hide secret sins from His eyes when you are at home, and think you can worship Him properly on Sunday? Let your life reflect the light of the world every day and your family will see clearly the path to heaven (Col. 1:12; 1 Thess. 5:5).

Word for Today
Rambunctious - Boisterous and disorderly.

Quote for Today
A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.
– Dave Meurer, "Daze of Our Wives"


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