Phos (Light) Devotional

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Matthew 5:14

“Ye are the light of the world. A city set on an hill cannot be hid.” The little town of Nazareth cannot go unnoticed in this illustration. The tiny town of Nazareth was in the hilly limestone range of Lebanon. Its small population between 200 to 500 should have made it a welcoming community. Yet, the opposite seems to be its reputation (John 1:43-46). At night the city would be seen from miles around when people placed their lanterns on their porches for night light. It must have been a little city that could be easily passed over during the day but impossible to miss at night.

So is the life of the disciple of Christ; he can never be hid from the world. His light will shine to the deepest depth of darkness bringing men to this marvelous light. People are watching us all the time looking for the slightest inconsistency in our testimonies. How well do you live up to the light that has been revealed to you (John 12:35-36)? Jesus tells us to walk in the light. What does that mean? It simply means: be true to the knowledge you have toward God. Whatever you do don’t put out the light of the knowledge of Jesus Christ that has been revealed to you (2 Cor. 4:3-5).

The good thing about the light of salvation is this: when we live out our testimony before unbelievers, they will be convicted and perhaps be converted. It is not our responsibility to save sinners; it’s our responsibility to show them Christ. No one wants men saved more than Jesus. He just needs more cooperation from His church to get the job done. The light we have is not our own light; it is living the example Jesus left for us to follow in His steps. Many try to invent new ways to create an easier path to conversion. Jesus was very clear when He said, “I am the light of the world.” (John 8:12). The more you live as an example of Christ, the more men will see the light (Rom. 4:12; 2 Cor. 12:18; 1 Peter 2:21).

Word for Today
Fête - A festival or feast.

Quote for Today
A man with a candle and a path to follow is better than ten men with lanterns lost in the wilderness. The knowledge of this world is little more than lanterns.
– raj


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