Phos (Light) Devotional

Friday, April 29, 2005

Matthew 5:39

Turn the other cheek has become a popular American idiom. Generally, it means when someone does something against you, you should not retaliate. What Jesus is talking about is not passive resistance but rather a custom of slapping someone as an insult with the back of the hand. Kissing was a customary method of greeting in antiquity within many cultures. The Hebrews used it to signify respect for elders and religious leaders. They also used it as a sign of family bonding and blessing (Gen. 27:26-27; 48:10; 50:1; Ruth 1:14; 1 Sam. 10:1). In light of being greeted with a kiss, the antithesis is being greeted with a back hand across the face.

Job 34:26 explains Job is being prosecuted by Elihu the Buzite. The concept in this passage is public humiliation. This sometimes would be done at the gate where people gather to speak wise sayings and share knowledge (Prov. 1:20-22; 31:23). The turning the other cheek would have been a strong idea than just a mere offense. This would be a public offense. How would you handle a public humiliation of your reputation or your familys dignity? Jesus taught His disciples to invite evil and yield to the ridicule they would receive for His name sake.

Jesus would be tested in this very lesson He taught His followers. In John 18:12-23 Jesus stands before Annas the High Priest. In verse 19 the High Priest asks Jesus of His disciples and His doctrine. Jesus answer in verses 20-21 apparently was not appropriate according to this fogdog soldier who springs out of the early morning mist and smites Jesus with the palm of his hand. Jesus doesnt retaliate; He simply asked for a witness to this evil deed. You and I will have to turn the other cheek sometime in our Christian walk. Be sure you ask the Lord who suffered unjustly for the strength to make it through. If Job and Jesus can make it, so can you and I (James 5:11).

Word for Today

Fogdog - A bright or clear spot that appears in breaking fog.

Quote for Today

When it comes to parenting and disciplining their children, children have four cheeks they have to turn.



  • thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:46 PM  

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