Phos (Light) Devotional

Monday, April 25, 2005

Matthew 5:41

You have heard people use the phrase “go the extra mile.” This originated from scripture. Jesus is speaking about the custom of travel. There are many rules when it comes to traveling in the near east. One of them is to never travel alone. That was the problem with the man on the road to Jericho; he was alone (Luke 10:30). Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 warns us of the dangers of being alone when you fall. Never fall alone; no one is there to pick you up when your fall. To truly be a child of God, you must be willing to partner with people, to sacrifice your personal needs for the needs of others. How often do we put others first? Putting others first is the true test of spiritual giants.

The KJV study bible gives a good explanation of the word “compel” used by Jesus. “The Greek verb comes from the Persian word meaning ‘press into service’ and is used in Matthew 27:32, where the Roman soldiers pressed Simon into service to carry Jesus’ cross.” This word “compel” reveals the nature of service a believer is to be influenced by. He is to realize stretching yourself is not easy. It will cost you to help someone. Carrying the load of someone else’s mistakes is “going the extra mile.” Taking the lower seat in the room is “going the extra mile.” Putting out your hand to help and elderly lady down some stairs is “going the extra mile.”

Making the coffee for everyone at work is “going the extra mile.” Praying and extra half hour after everyone is sleeping is “going the extra mile.” Waking up and hour early to pray is “going the extra mile.” Coming early to pray at church is “going the extra mile.” Fasting once or twice a week is “going the extra mile.” Going to a friend’s house in the middle of the night is “going the extra mile.” Going to the hospital to pray with someone who is ill is “going the extra mile.” Forgiving someone who has wronged you is “going the extra mile. Working with your child instead of criticizing him/her is “going the extra mile.” Whatever it takes, make sure you “go the extra mile” in all of your relationships.

Word for Today
Superfluous - Being beyond what is required or sufficient.

Quote for Today
Go the extra mile to build your relationship, or you will go the extra mile to repair your relationships.


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