Phos (Light) Devotional

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Ridicule in the Life

William Law

This is the reason that we see such ridicule in the lives of many people. Many people are strict when it comes to times and places of devotion; but when the service and the church is over, they live like those who seldom or never come there. In their way of life, their manner of spending their time and money, in their cares and fears, and indulgences, in their labors and diversions, they are like the rest of the world. This leads the world to make light of those who are devout because they see their devotion goes no further than their prayers. When their prayers are over, they stop living unto God until the next time they pray. In between they live with the same attitudes and desires as other people. This is the reason why they are scoffed at by worldly people, not because they appear to have no other devotion than their occasional prayers.

Prayer is not a cure all for a holy live. Most of the world never hears a word of our prayers. On the other hand they see clearly how we live. If we are to become a light to a darkened world, our prayers for intimacy with the Lord must turn to a lifestyle that emanates the desire of our hearts. Those who our without Christ are doomed to eternal death without the blessing of a light. You are that light. You are that hope. You are the path that will lead men to the Light of the world. How can you resist the hungry souls whose hands reach out to you every day for a morsel of hope? How can you stop your ears to the pain of your neighbor’s cries? Will your neighbor be able to accuse you at that great judgment bar for not telling them about Christ?

Scripture Lesson
James 1:19-27; 2:1:20; 5:1-20

How would you describe the ultimate Christian?

Find a Bible Character and use their godly qualities as an example of righteous living for one week.

Word for Today
Eventual - Occurring at an unspecified time in the future: his eventual failure.

Quote for Today
Christianity for some people is like a costume party. When the party is over, they strip themselves of their garment of praise and put back on their spirit of heaviness.
– raj


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