Phos (Light) Devotional

Friday, May 20, 2005

William Law

If self-denial is a condition for salvation, all who desire to be saved must make self-denial a part of everyday life. If humility is a Christian duty, then the everyday life of a Christian must show forth humility. If we are called to care for the sick, the naked and the imprisoned, these expressions of love must be a constant effort in our lives. If we are to love our enemies, our daily life must demonstrate that love. If we are called to be thankful, to be wise, to be holy, they must show forth in our lives. If we are to be new people in Christ, then we must show our newness to the world. If we are to follow Christ, it must be in the way we spend each day.

What a challenge Law gives us. The expression of everyday living obviously makes the difference. How long can we halt between two opinions? If the Lord be God, then serve Him. If there is another god to serve, give him or it your obeisance. Daily has the connotation of responsibility, discipline and effort. Coming to the Lord is much easier than becoming like the Lord. Many fail to grow after they see the Everest of discipline it takes to be Christlike. All of Christian struggle stems from a life of Christlikeness. I have often said, “We need not ask what would Jesus do, but rather pick up your Word and see what did Jesus do.” Imitate Him and you will be an example of godly living.

Scripture Lesson
Eph. 5; 1 Kings 18:21; 1 Cor. 15:31

What is more important – the right beliefs or the right actions?

As you interact with the world around you this week (TV, radio, news paper, etc.), write down every time you hear, see or read something you disagree with. This will help you determine your level of devotion.

Word for Today
Mere – Small; slight: could detect only the merest whisper.

Quote for Today

God will only negotiate your request not your responsibilities.
– raj


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