Phos (Light) Devotional

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Habits That Cannot Be Christianized

Give up habits that cannot be Christianized. In Africa a Christian teacher used to go off on weekends and drink. He became drunk and went into a native hut and slept. When he woke up, an old man was seated looking at him. The old man asked him who he was, and was told that he was a Christian. When he asked the old man who he was, he replied, I’m not a Christian, but if I were, I wouldn’t be living the way you are. I’d really live as a Christian.” The statement awakened the teacher; he was really converted by an unconverted man!

Why should children of God cut their life expectancy in half by deliberately taking poison into their systems by smoking? This is the finding of those who have investigated. Why try to prove yourself an exception? Why hasten the process of decay by smoking?

Stanley Jones’ concern is legitimate. The human body has a time clock of corruption already in place why should we speed up the clock by illicit behavior? Why should we donnybrook in the violence of hedonism? Restrain yourself or you will pay a dear price. Withhold that which is corruptible. Yield to that which is lasting. How can you expect others to believe your testimony when you fail in your exhibition? Many habits cannot be Christianized: lying, swearing, cheating, and laziness etc. This simply is a call to perfection. Truly, it is time to grow up.

Scripture lesson

Psalm 15

If your life is like a tree, what do you need to do to help it grow besides watering it?
(Col. 2:6-7)

Word for Today
Donnybrook - an uproar; a free-for-all

Quote for Today

If it looks like a Christian and it talks like a Christian and it walks like a Christian, it must be a Christian!
– raj


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