Phos (Light) Devotional

Monday, June 06, 2005

E Stanley Jones

E. Stanley Jones devoted his whole life to the subject of conversion. He was one of the best-known missionaries and religious writers in the first half of the twentieth century. Beginning in 1908, Jones worked among the high caste Hindus and Muslims in India. Later in his life, he divided his time between missionary work in India and evangelistic missions in the United States.

Simple Habits

The best Man that ever lived on our planet illustrated this receptivity and response rhythm. No one was so utterly dependent on God and no one was more personally disciplined in his habits. He did three things by habit: 1) “He stood up to read as was his custom” – He read the Word of God by habit. 2) “He went out into the mountain to pray as was His custom” – He prayed by habit. 3) “He taught them again as was His custom” – He passed on to others by habit what He had and what He had found. These simple habits were the foundation habits of His life. They are as up to date as tomorrow morning. No converted person can live without those habits at work vitally in his life.

This is a great illustration of man’s need for God’s help. If Jesus, our great Lord, while robed in human flesh needed the assistance of the Lord, then how much more do mortals need it? Jesus never acted solo. He always worked in accord with His Heavenly Father. Be sure the decisions we make will be less strident when consulting our Lord for advice. It is not natural for man to submit to God. He must learn it as a habit and accrue a taste for dependance. Good ideas that bring feelings of ecstatic joy are no sign that these are the will of God. I find godly tasks to be quite boring sometimes. Yet, they are far more rewarding than recreation.

Scripture Lesson
John 14, 15, 16, 17

Read these over the next few days. How did Jesus rely upon the guidance of the Father?

Word for Today
Strident - Loud, harsh, grating, or shrill; discordant.

Quote for Today

It is much easier to resist temptation when we don’t like what devil is offering.
- raj


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