Phos (Light) Devotional

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Thomas Merton

Right away we confront one of the problems of the life of prayer: that of learning when one’s efforts are enlightened and well directed and when they spring simply from our confused whims and our immature desires. It would be a mistake to suppose that mere good will is, by itself, a sufficient guarantee that all our efforts will finally attain to a good result. Serious mistakes can be made even with the greatest good will.

How true it is. Prayer can be spouted off so recklessly and piously. Often, my will becomes the focus of prayer, and the Lord’s leading in that prayer is hindered by my motivation of self gain. The difficulty is when I desire something that seems somewhat admirable – something I would consider worthy of the Lord’s answering. The truth about prayer is very simple. If it is not the Lord’s will, He is not going to answer us anyway. The key to answered prayer is to pray according to His will. This helps us to avoid the heartache of misguided prayers.

Scripture Lessons

1 John 3:22; 1 John 5:14; 1 John 5:15

How can you better determine if your prayers are God led or self led?

Word for Today
Spouted – To gush forth in a rapid stream or in spurts.

Quote for Today

A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder, but rest and guilt live far asunder.
– Ben Franklin

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Danger of Sins of Omission - John Wesley

Sins of omission are avoiding to do good of any kind when we have the opportunity. We must beware of these sins and, instead, be zealous of good works. Do all the good you possibly can to the bodies and souls of your neighbors. Be active! Give no place to laziness! Be always busy, losing no shred of time. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Also, be slow to speak. It is said, “In a multitude of words sin abounds.” Try not to talk too much, or for a long period of time. Not many people can converse profitably beyond an hour’s time. Especially avoid pious “chitchat” or religious gossip.

Sins of omission are the most ubiquitous sins in life. They are acceptable sins because they are often overlooked. No one speaks against what we omit as often as they speak against those things we commit. How can we forget so easily? How can we escape our responsibility to benevolent love? Someone is destitute because our lack. Someone is less honorable because we are so dawdling. Too many hours have been wasted due to our passive approach to perishing members. Our liability is great. How can we escape the damnation of hell? What will become of our faith if ledgers of bad habits persist? Stop your wishing and get busy! Halt your excuses and make something worthy of your life.

Scripture Lesson

James 1:22; 4:17; Hebrews 13:7


If the works you have been commissioned to do for the Lord are not completed in the time frame you have, will they be accepted by God at another time?

Word for Today

Dawdling – To take more time than necessary

Quote for Today

The longer you live the less time you have to love; so love more and more every day.
– raj

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Habits That Cannot Be Christianized

Give up habits that cannot be Christianized. In Africa a Christian teacher used to go off on weekends and drink. He became drunk and went into a native hut and slept. When he woke up, an old man was seated looking at him. The old man asked him who he was, and was told that he was a Christian. When he asked the old man who he was, he replied, I’m not a Christian, but if I were, I wouldn’t be living the way you are. I’d really live as a Christian.” The statement awakened the teacher; he was really converted by an unconverted man!

Why should children of God cut their life expectancy in half by deliberately taking poison into their systems by smoking? This is the finding of those who have investigated. Why try to prove yourself an exception? Why hasten the process of decay by smoking?

Stanley Jones’ concern is legitimate. The human body has a time clock of corruption already in place why should we speed up the clock by illicit behavior? Why should we donnybrook in the violence of hedonism? Restrain yourself or you will pay a dear price. Withhold that which is corruptible. Yield to that which is lasting. How can you expect others to believe your testimony when you fail in your exhibition? Many habits cannot be Christianized: lying, swearing, cheating, and laziness etc. This simply is a call to perfection. Truly, it is time to grow up.

Scripture lesson

Psalm 15

If your life is like a tree, what do you need to do to help it grow besides watering it?
(Col. 2:6-7)

Word for Today
Donnybrook - an uproar; a free-for-all

Quote for Today

If it looks like a Christian and it talks like a Christian and it walks like a Christian, it must be a Christian!
– raj

Monday, June 06, 2005

E Stanley Jones

E. Stanley Jones devoted his whole life to the subject of conversion. He was one of the best-known missionaries and religious writers in the first half of the twentieth century. Beginning in 1908, Jones worked among the high caste Hindus and Muslims in India. Later in his life, he divided his time between missionary work in India and evangelistic missions in the United States.

Simple Habits

The best Man that ever lived on our planet illustrated this receptivity and response rhythm. No one was so utterly dependent on God and no one was more personally disciplined in his habits. He did three things by habit: 1) “He stood up to read as was his custom” – He read the Word of God by habit. 2) “He went out into the mountain to pray as was His custom” – He prayed by habit. 3) “He taught them again as was His custom” – He passed on to others by habit what He had and what He had found. These simple habits were the foundation habits of His life. They are as up to date as tomorrow morning. No converted person can live without those habits at work vitally in his life.

This is a great illustration of man’s need for God’s help. If Jesus, our great Lord, while robed in human flesh needed the assistance of the Lord, then how much more do mortals need it? Jesus never acted solo. He always worked in accord with His Heavenly Father. Be sure the decisions we make will be less strident when consulting our Lord for advice. It is not natural for man to submit to God. He must learn it as a habit and accrue a taste for dependance. Good ideas that bring feelings of ecstatic joy are no sign that these are the will of God. I find godly tasks to be quite boring sometimes. Yet, they are far more rewarding than recreation.

Scripture Lesson
John 14, 15, 16, 17

Read these over the next few days. How did Jesus rely upon the guidance of the Father?

Word for Today
Strident - Loud, harsh, grating, or shrill; discordant.

Quote for Today

It is much easier to resist temptation when we don’t like what devil is offering.
- raj