Phos (Light) Devotional

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

One Good Deed

One Good Deed

Last year I was praying and like usual I was focusing on negativity. It was in the midst of my prayer that this thought came to me. If things are going to change in the world we will have to change them. God has given us the tools but we have to use them. The thought then came to me why not be an agent of change? So I decided instead of complaining I would do one good deed a day to make some one smile. Remember, Smiles go for miles, but frowns bring us down. When is the last time you have done something for someone else that you didn’t expect something in return (Mt 5:44-48). I can not explain the growth that has taken place in my life since I’ve been practicing this concept.

One of the first times I set out to do a good deed was in a laundry mat. There was a lady sitting beside my son and I who was having a very difficult time in her life. She was divorced, had a terminal illness and major family problems. It was Christmas time and she wanted to go see her children, but would not be able to because her finances would not allow her. I had money in my pocket and felt like the Lord told me to give it to her. I don’t know if the amount I gave was enough to help her completely but it was one good deed in the name of Jesus. The best thing about it was my son later on that evening said to me, Dad that was really nice. When I get money I’m going to help people like that. (Luke 6:38)

Another time I was coming home from Pittsburgh and had to stop for gas. In front of the station was a homeless lady asking for a couple of dollars. I was reluctant to hand her money but once again I felt like the Lord said that it was okay. So I handed her two dollars and returned to my car. When I got back to the car I noticed that my son had taken a pillow from my office and placed it in the back seat. It was like a light bulb went off in my head, Give the lady the pillow to sit on. It was cold that evening and she had been sitting on the cement. I got back out of the car and gave her the pillow. She was grateful and said, “You are a kind man.” (Rom 12: 10,1Cor 13:8)

Doing good deeds doesn’t always have to be in the way of material things. Sometimes saying a kind word to someone is just as effective. I was at Shop and Save one day and noticed one of the baggers who always has his head down. If you would see him there’s nothing special about him except for the way he bags your groceries. He does it with humbleness and respect. So I said to him, “You always do a good job.” He lifted up his head and said thank you. He was striving for a little recognition. His work my not seem that important until you need a good bagger who takes pride in what they do no matter how small the job. My mother always said, “People want to feel important.” Doing good deeds are not just doing good things for people, but also saying kind things to people as well. (Eph 4:29)

Word for Today
Beneficent - Characterized by or performing acts of kindness or charity.

Quote for Today
Man has three friends on whose company he relies. First, wealth which goes with him only while good fortune lasts. Second, his relatives; they go only as far as the grave, leave him there. The third friend, his good deeds, go with him beyond the grave.
The Talmud


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