Phos (Light) Devotional

Monday, January 17, 2005

Read and Study your Bible

This devotion is for the at-home bible student, the person who wants to get more out of their time in the Word. Many people will be content with just reading through the Bible every year. Other people will not be satisfied with simply a surface knowledge of the text. When I was in Bible school, I would go to bed at 11:30 pm and wake at 3:30 am to pray and study the Word of God. Known as a pastor, I try to put at least 30 hrs or more a week in prayer and study of God’s Word. Paul told Timothy, in 2Tim 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

People will often ask me some questions about studying the word of God. For example, someone asked me where I found information for a particular message. The answer is simple, books, books, books and more books. You can’t have enough books. Don’t ever throw a book away (Josh 1:8, Rev 22: 12). Furthermore, you must be willing to read information about the Bible to understand the Bible. Christian book stores are not always the best place to find the material for the hard questions in the Bible. Paul obviously read other materials to enhance his knowledge (Titus 1:12).

Paul’s instructions to Timothy laid out a clear pattern for a stay at home Bible student.
First, is the attitude of study. Ask yourself the question, why do I want to know more about the Bible? The answer should be, so I may improve my walk with God. Paul said we should want God’s “approval.” We don’t study to impress people; we study to impress our Father. Second, is the aptitude of our study. Before you start searching the Word for the deeper things of God, you must understand it will be work (you are a “workman”). There are times when it takes me weeks to find answers to one phrase in the Bible. Lastly, is the application of your study. You need to learn a big word if you are going to be affective, content.

When you study rightly, dividing the Word of God is simply keeping it in context. Here is an effective way to make sure you are staying in context. Never inject any word into the text that is not there. Never dissect any word from the text that is in the text. Never select a word or passage from the text to prove your point or idea, this is the heretical process. If you avoid the heretical process, you should enjoy your time in the Word of God. Most people who say they are confused about the Bible are trying to make it say something it was not designed to say. (Titus 3:10)

Word for Today
Heretic - A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Church.

Quote for Today
Some people question the answer before they understand the question. r.a.j.


  • Amen Pastor Roy

    I really enjoy the Devotionals

    Thank you for being obedient to the Lord

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:45 PM  

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