Phos (Light) Devotional

Friday, January 14, 2005


I pray today is the beginning of great things in your life. It will be if you apply the Godly principles concerning faith that I’m going to share with you in this morning’s devotion. There are basically two types of faith in the Bible. The first is practical faith and the second is the practice of faith. Practical faith is the faith that saves us from our sins. (Acts 16:30-31, Eph 2:8-9,1Tim 1:14-15). The practice of faith is the faith that saves us from our circumstances. Many Christians never mature from the measure of practical faith, that is they only have faith enough to get saved. The Lord wants us to grow to the place where we have faith enough for our circumstances to be changed or the strength to go through them. Last week, the Provenzano family was challenged by two doctors’ reports concerning some heart problems with their two children Matthew and Sara. They had a choice to accept the report or have faith in the Lord. They chose to practice their faith. The reports that started out negative returned as nothing this week. Some will explain that away. I call it faith. Some will say what about when nothing happens? I believe that is faith as well. God didn’t promise that your faith would always change every circumstance. He simply said, have faith in every circumstance and I will either change the circumstance or I will change you. (Mk 11:22-23) I can promise you that either the Lord will change your circumstance when you trust Him; or he will take you through your circumstance when you trust Him. Here are three practical steps to increase your faith in difficult circumstances. First, speak the word into your ears (Rom 10:17). Second is Biblical meditation. This is speaking the word over and over again to yourself. (Psalm 1:2-3, 119:15, 48) Remember, the longer I stay in the Word, the longer the Word will stay in me. Last but not least is doing the Word. When you practice what you hear and meditate upon it, it will be a part of your life. Image you can get to the place where your first response to a bad situation becomes, “what does the Bible say about this” instead of “what I am going to do?”( Deut 11:26-29, James 1:19-22) I’ll tell you what you’re going to do. You’re going to get on your face, cry out to God, pick up your Bible, and practice your faith. Remember,when you speak to the mountain and it doesn’t move, that means he wants you to climb it instead. So we say, Lord move this mountain or give me the strength to climb it. (Is 43:1-3, Psalm 23, Mt 28:19-20) Word for Today Devotee -One who is ardently devoted to something; an enthusiast or advocate. Quote for Today “When I don’t have the strength to believe the Lord for help, He will give me the strength to wait until my help comes.” raj


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